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Approvals & Endorsements

The services provided and intended to be provided is proposed to be approved, endorsed and authorized by the following institutions with service accreditation planned to be sort throuh the accreditation institutions listed below.


Our institution agencies and Aeromedical Communications Specialists, staff are certified and approvide by the international Association of Medical Transport Communications Specialists (IAMTCS) as a Program Member.

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Nationally Endorsed by the National Emergency Management Organization (NEMO) St. Lucia.

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It is intended to apply to the National Accreditation Alliance on Medical Transport Applications (NAAMTA) for our Ground, Marine and Air Medical Transport Accreditation.

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The Life Flight Services (St. Lucia) and its National Aeromedical Operations and Communications Center (NAOCC) is endoresed through a non objection of service introduction to the island by the Ministry of External Affairs, International Trade and Civil Aviation of St. Lucia.

ALS, AMLS - ICU-Level Ground Transportation


Life Flight Services Ltd. National Aeromedical Operations and Communications Center (NAOCC) Network provides ACLS - ICU-level ground transport throughout St. Lucia. At a minimum, ambulances are staffed with an Aeromedical Medevac Technician, EMT, critical care nurse, and critical care paramedic Or a Physician — ready to care for patients of all ages. Specialty teams are at the ready for NICU or  transports among our partner hospital throughout each jurisdiction or district. 

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